Sbornik materialov ob arteliakh v Rossii. Izdaniye St. Peterburgskogo otdeleniya komiteta o sel’skikh ssudo-sberegatel’nykh I promyshlennykh tovarithestvakh. 3 vol. bound in 1 vol.

Sbornik materialov ob arteliakh v Rossii. Izdaniye St. Peterburgskogo otdeleniya komiteta o sel’skikh ssudo-sberegatel’nykh I promyshlennykh tovarithestvakh. 3 vol. bound in 1 vol.

S.-Petersburg, Tipografiya Maykova, 1873

8vo (24 x 17 cm). 248 (2); 290 (2); 424 (2) p. Contemporary half leather binding. Marbled edges. Gilt lettering and engravement on the spine. – The collection of materials about workmen’s cooperative associations in Russia. The publication of St. Petersburg’s committee of rural savings loan associations and industrial unions. – The book contains the first significant and extensive materials and information on the historical economical analysis of principles of workmen’s cooperative associations, its role and place in the future of Russia. The book was published around the times when it was established and believed that the workmen’s cooperative associations in Russia’s agricultural production are the most important tools in defining the shape of the transition to the new system. Economists and statisticians such as A. Yefimenko, S. Ogorodnikov, A. Shlikevich, R. Popov, etc. became authors of „Sbornik materialov ob arteliakh v Rossii. Izdaniye St. Peterburgskogo otdeleniya komiteta o sel’skikh ssudo-sberegatel’nykh I promyshlennykh tovarithestvakh“. – Contains 2 original stamps of the Ogloblin book shop, Kiev. The shop was owned by Nikolai Ogloblin and was an exclusive supplier of scholarly literature for nearly all educational institutions in Kiev, including the University of Kiev.

Binding rubbed. 4 stamps of a library on the title page. Pencil marks on the title page. Overall in good condition.

Art.-Nr.: 22860


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