3 Bände (7 Sprachen) –
1. Terms Commonly Used in Distribution and Advertising / 2.Termes speciaux de la Distribution et de la Publicite / 3. Gebräuchliche Fachausdrücke in Handel und Werbung / 4. Termini d´uso del commercio e della pubblicita / 5. Nomenclador de la distribucion y de la publicidad / 6. Noemnclador de la Distribucion y de la Publicidas / 7. Termos usados no Comercio e na Publicidade. Quer 8°. 115, 103, 115; 124, 95, 134 (1); 135, 146, 146 p. (= Documents of the I.C.C. / IHK-Dokumente). Cloth bindings with gilt lettering on the front and the spine.
Labels of a library on the front covers and the front linings. Serveral stamps of a library on the front linings and the title pages. Paper a bit browned.
Auf Lager