Benezit, E. (1854-1920)

Dictionnaire critique et documentaire des Peintres, Sculpteurs, Dessinateurs et Graveurs de tous les temps et de tous le pays par un groupe d’ecrivains specialistes francais et etrangers. Nouvelle Edition. 10 Vol. / 10 Bände (Komplett).

Paris, Gründe, 1976

Gr. 8°. 1 Frontispiz in Vol. 1. Ca. 7000 p., blue original cloth, back- and fronttitle gilt, blaue Orig.-Ganzleinenbände mit goldgepr. Deckel- und Rückentiteln. – Clean set in good condition. – The Benezit Dictionary of Artists is an extensive publication of bibliographical information on painters, sculptors, designers and engravers created primarily for art museums, auction houses, historians and dealers. First published in the French language in three volumes between 1911 and 1923, the next edition was an eight-volume set published between 1948 and 1955, followed by a ten-volume set in 1976 and a 14-volume set in 1999. Benezit Dictionary of Artists is the premier reference work for the art world.

Best condition. Bester Zustand.

Art.-Nr.: 13464


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