Po Volge / Ocherki I vpechatleniia lietnei poiezdki. [Along the Volga river. Sketches and impressions of the summer trip].
Nemirovich-Danchenko, V.I.

Po Volge / Ocherki I vpechatleniia lietnei poiezdki. [Along the Volga river. Sketches and impressions of the summer trip].

S.-Petersburg, Izd. Knigoprodavtsa I.L. Tuzova, 1877

8vo (22 x 15 cm). 403 p. Contemporary half leather binding. – Lifetime edition. Vasily Ivanovich Nemirovich-Danchenko (1844-1936) was a freemason and the elder brother of the famous theater director Vladimir Ivanovich Nemirovich-Danchenko. He is known as a poet, writer and journalist. During his journey along the Volga river V.I. Nemirovich -Danchenko took notes about his impressions, which later developed into a separate book. The publication contains fascinating stories about the life of the Russian hinterland. Many of the books of the author are recorded observations that the author led during his many years of travels in Russia and other countries on different continents. – „First of all my essays do not represent a complete picture of the Volga, in all respects. This is a series of impressions and scenes, touristic sketches of a person who drove around the Volga river and the Caspian Sea twice. The book contains statistics – but only the ones acquired while on site. If this book awakens the reader with a strong desire to visit the great Russian river up to the Caspian Sea to look at the picturesque landscape and familiarize him or herself with the ethnical kaleidoscope of its diverse population – then my modest goal has been reached. “ (V.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko)

Good condition. 1 stamp of the Austrian Export-Akademie. 1 Wirtschaftsuniversitaet Wien Universitaetsbibliothek stamp. 1 rebinder stamp (rebinder Buymistrov in Kiev). Binding slightly bumped and rubbed. Spine is slightly rubbed.

Art.-Nr.: 22597


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