Prevent World War III. 56 issues: 2 – 36, 38 – 44, 46 – 56, 58, 60 – 61.
4°. With numerous illustrations. Ca. 40 pp. per issue. Broche. – Founded at the end of the Second World War, the Society for the Prevention of World War IIIconcerned itself with the problems of dealing with post-war Germany. The issues in which it was most interested were de-Nazification and de-industrialization, and many of its records relate to former Nazi leaders or German industrialists who assumed or attempted to assume positions of power after the war. Scope and Contents: Correspondence, reports, and publications. Much of the material in the collection consists of second-hand reports on events in Germany and on prominent Germans throughout the world.
Front cover of issue 9 missing. Handwirtten name on cover of issue 12. Some letters of the title of issue. 14 painted. Issues bumped and dog-eared.
Auf Lager