The Compleat Horseman: or, Perfect Farrier. In Two Parts. Abridged from the Folio done into English by William Hope. With the Addition of several excellent Receipts, by our best Farriers: And Directions to the Buyers and Sellers of Horses. 2nd Edition.
8vo. With engraved folded frontispiece and illustrated with 6 copper engravings (5 of them folded). (8), 376 (8) p. Contemporary full-leather binding. – Part 1: Discovering the surest Marks of the Beatuy, Goodness, Faults, and Imperfections of Horses; the best Method of Breeding and Backing of Colt’s; making their Mouths; Buying, Dieting, and otherwise ordering of Horses. The Art of Shoeing, with the several sorts of Shoes, adapted to the various defects of Bad Feet, and the preservation of Good. The Art of Riding and managing the Great Horse, etc. – Part 2: Contains the Signs and Causes of their Diseases, with the true Method of Curing them. – An important work on the horse breeding and riding methods of its time and on the treatment of sick horses. – Jacques de Solleysel (1617-1680) was known as „parfait maréchal“ (the perfect horseman) and one of the most important horsemen of history. He founded the academy of horsemanship in Paris. –
Spine broken, hinges damaged. All binding bumped and rubbed. Frontispiece plate in very good shape. Other plates bumped, partly with cracks at margins and hinges, restored, partly a bit browned and wth kinks.
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